handmade biscuits from simple ingredients
From the ancient family recipe of 1898 , Campari now produces a traditional biscuit with the same name and using the original recipe.
For example, flour, eggs, sugar, butter….. .
Campari's Bakery and Patisserie
Prodotti da Forno tipici dell'Emilia Romagna, Italian Bakery
From the ancient family recipe of 1898 , Campari now produces a traditional biscuit with the same name and using the original recipe.
For example, flour, eggs, sugar, butter….. .
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Establishment: Via Macchiusa, 9 - 42035 Castelnovo Ne' Monti (RE) - Italy
Point of sale: V.le. Enzo Bagnoli, 32 - 42035 Castelnovo Ne' Monti (RE) - Italy
Tel. (+39) 0522 612262 - Fax (+39) 0522 729753
Email: info@gruppocampari.com
C.F. e P.I. 00356270355
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